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February 14, 2023

3 top tips to save you money when building your app

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If you're wanting to create an app for your business, or you already have your developer time scheduled in, here are some top tips that you need to know that could save you money on your project.

1. Make sure you can commit some time on a daily basis to your developers.

If you don't, then allocate a team member to oversee the project, there will be questions and requirements your development team will need from you throughout your build - be there to ensure it's built correctly the first time.

2. Be clear and settled on your design vision.

We've seen it all too often that half way through a build, the app design completely changes - sometimes this can be an easy fix - but mostly this will result in a project extension to rework what has already been done.

3. Be concise with your app plans.

It's so easy to get carried away with a wishlist of features when you're creating your dream software. Just remember, this is a process and building what you know you customers need versus what you think they might need will actually enhance your customers user experience. You don't want to see dust forming on features that didn't need to be built - you can always add to you app, all the big name apps on your phone are constantly releasing new features they know their customers want to see.
By just sticking to these simple rules, you'll have gone a huge way to keeping your project on track and in budget before you've even started.

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I have an app idea. Where do I start?

An app is an investment of time, money and resource. So let's ensure that before you build it, it's set for success!
In this free guide, you will:
  • Understand the three stages of creating your app
  • Know how to build something truly fit for purpose and suited to your audience
  • Understand how to leverage your app to be a valuable asset for your business

Download your free guide here!


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